LGBT parenting

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LGBT parenting refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people bringing up one or more children as parents or foster care parents. This includes: children raised by same-sex couples (same-sex parenting), children raised by single LGBT parents, and children raised by an opposite-sex couple where at least one partner is LGBT.

LGBT people can become parents through various means including current or former relationships, coparenting, adoption, donor insemination, and surrogacy.[1]

Research consistently shows that gay and lesbian parents are a severe handicap for children and damage them in many serious ways. The growing political movement against homosexual "marriage" and adoption is largely led by people who are themselves the children of homosexuals. They call themselves COGS i.e. Children of Gays.

LGBT activists frequently complain that their heterosexual parents did not understand them, and that this led to conflict and unhappiness. It is logical therefore to expect that the vast majority of people, who are heterosexual, will also encounter the same sort of conflict and unhappiness when brought up by homosexuals, and this outcome is upheld by modern research. Many COGs testify that their homosexual parents pressurized them into becoming homosexual and this even includes sexual abuse during childhood. See Moira Greyland Peat and Robert Oscar Lopez.

Mark Newton and Peter Truong with child they persistently raped and pimped out

Although the number of children brought up by homosexual parents is small, as a percentage, there is a very high percentage of cases of such children being sexually abused, neglected, beaten or killed.


Sociological Research

More than 400 studies have been done into the long-term effects of same-sex parenting, and the vast majority of them conclude that children thrive best when brought up in a family with their biological father and mother. The outcomes for physical health, mental health, educational and career achievement, ability to sustain relationships, and how the children themselves rate their own emotional experience, are all surveyed by sociologists. In innumerable ways the children brought up by homosexuals, whether their own biological parents or adoptive, are shown to suffer poor outcomes.

Studies that reach any other conclusion are usually small-scale, non-academic, non-peer-reviewed studies that merely consist of asking homosexuals to rate themselves and their own children without objective measurement. These can be called vanity surveys rather than research.

When the children, grown up, are asked for their opinions, a very different picture emerges. It is often a dark one of negligence, incompetence, emotional misery, and severe abuse.

Same-Sex Parenting Research: A Critical Assessment by Walter R. Schumm PhD, Professor of Applied Family Science in the School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University, summarizes and analyzes the data available from more than 400 studies and subjects them to meticulous analysis. He looks for many hidden factors such as age of parents, educational attainment, income and ethnic origin which may have influence on the results. [2]

Professor Schumm is the editor-in-chief of the academic journal Marriage and Family Review. His books include Transition to Parenthood (2014), Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods (1993, 2009), and The Family Support Group (FSG) Leaders’ Handbook (2000). He is a retired colonel (U.S. Army) and a recipient of the Legion of Merit.

Among his findings are that activists have hugely exaggerated the number of children being brought up by homosexuals world-wide, and that it is very difficult to find a child brought up in a stable, long-term homosexual relationship, because homosexual relationships tend to be short-term, rapidly changing and fraught with higher than average conflict. The children have to cope with a rapid turnover of new and multiple partners in the household, coming in and out of their lives. Girls brought up without a mother are severely disadvantaged, as are boys brought up without a father, as they lack a role model of an adult of their own sex. Homosexual parents frequently encourage their children to become homosexual likewise, and the children are more likely to mix with homosexual adults. Exposure to drug-abuse, child-molestation and various forms of disturbed behavior all contribute to their disadvantaged environment.

Loren Marks PhD, author of Same-Sex Parenting and Children’s Outcomes: A Closer Examination of the American Psychological Association’s Brief on Lesbian and Gay Parenting. wrote of Schumm's book: “The volume is a staggering work in terms of scope, depth and implications.”

Aaron Belkin, Director of the Palm Center, and public policy research institute in California, commented that "There is no scientific dispute" about LGBT parenting - it is bad for children - and that those who assert otherwise are "ignoring science for a political agenda."

Testimonies of People Brought up by Homosexuals

Jephthah's Children

The book Jephthah's Children, The Innocent Casualties of Same-Sex Parenting, edited by Dr Robert Oscar Lopez and Dr Brittany Klein, is a collection of personal testimonies by people who were brought up by homosexual parents and step-parents, some biological and others adoptive, in the heart of the LGBT community. Some of them were brought up by transgender parents. It includes contributions from dozens of people around the world, who share their experience, free from the political agenda of wanting to further a notion of "gay rights". It reveals that although many of them loved their parents deeply, they were hurt, damaged and disadvantaged by being brought up in this way and used as guinea-pigs or mascots for an LGBT agenda that demanded applause for dysfunctional behavior. Many were urged or encouraged to believe they were homosexual and only with difficulty established a heterosexual identity.[3]

An ever-increasing number of such people put their testimonies onto websites such as English Manif.

The Last Closet by Moira Greyland (Peat)

The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon is a book by Moira Greyland, daughter of two prominent homosexual activists who married each other despite being fully aware of their homosexuality. Her mother Marion Zimmer Bradley was a bestselling science fiction author, a feminist icon, and was awarded the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement. She was best known for the Arthurian fiction novel The Mists of Avalon and for her very popular Darkover series. Greyland's father was Walter Breen the author, numismatic expert and star of games conventions and science fiction circles. She was brought up in their leftwing, hippie-style, permissive environment surrounded by open promiscuity, drug-abuse and neglect of domestic tasks. Her parents sexually abused both of their children, Moira and her brother. Neither parent intervened to prevent it although fully aware of what was going on. They regarded this as modern and "progressive". Her mother and father both raped or molested her at a very young age. Breen raped a lot of young boys as well as his own son. He was surrounded by homosexual friends who habitually groomed and preyed on vulnerable young boys for sex. Zimmerman was violent to her children, and had a lesbian lover who lived in the house and took any affection she might have had to spare. Both parents encouraged Moira to become a lesbian, but she did not remain a lesbian. When she reached adulthood, counsellors were incredulous and stunned by the amount of traumatic abuse she had suffered. Eventually Moira reported her father to the police for multiple child molestation. Other victims also testified against him. He was convicted and died in jail.

The book includes testimonies from other people who knew the family, were molestation victims of Breen and can corroborate what she and her brother reveal about their upbringing. It also describes how both of her parents were themselves victims of child sex abuse, in her mother's case, incestuous, which provides valuable insights into how homosexual behavior may be the outcome of child sex abuse. [4]

Some Cases of Homosexuals Who Kill or Maltreat Children

Mark J. Newton and Peter Truong

A male homosexual couple who met in Australia and were feted by the media as an example of the new, progressive trendy same-sex family. Newton is an American citizen and Truong is his "husband". They were LGBT activists who were featured in articles promoting homosexual adoption and surrogacy. Police then discovered that they had sexually abused the boy they adopted from babyhood, and pimped him out to other pedophiles all over the world. They had also made and sold pornographic images of themselves and other homosexual men molesting him. They had trained him to deny this if asked, but the photographic and video evidence ensured their conviction. They were part of an international network of homosexual pedophiles intent on obtaining children by any means for horrific sexual abuse. Both men got long jail sentences. [5] See Mark J. Newton and Peter Truong.

Frank Lombard

Frank Lombard

Frank Lombard, homosexual and prominent “gay" activist in the USA, was an Associate Director of Duke University’s Center for Health Policy. He sat on the university's LGBT Rights committee. His partner, Ken Shipp, was a pharmacist and also worked for Duke. After getting a civil partnership Lombard and Shipp adopted two small boys. After five years they were found to have sexually abused one of them and made pornographic videos and photographs which they were circulating on the internet. When investigated by an undercover FBI agent, posing as a fellow-pederast, Lombard offered him his adopted 5-year-old boy for sodomy and abuse. He boasted that he sodomized the boy all the time and drugged him with Benadryl to make him more malleable. He even live-streamed himself on the internet raping the child. Lombard, of Durham, North Carolina, was sentenced to 27 years and 3 months in prison in March 2010. Both Lombard and Shipp were involved with the BoyLovers pedophile network. Shipp, who claimed to be unaware of what was going on, escaped prosecution and still works for Duke University. [6] [7]

Kenneth Brandt

Kenneth Brandt

Homosexual in Ohio who adopted three boys to rape and also pimped them out to other homosexual men. Brandt, aged 40, was convicted in 2012 after pleading guilty to raping three boys in his care, and was sentenced to 60 years to life in prison. He was convicted on 31 counts of felony rape in Miami County, where he had been caring for the three boys and a girl in his home. He circulated indecent pictures as well as raping the boys, who were all under 13. State records show the children were from Texas and were placed with him by a private Ohio adoption agency that is part of an interstate compact to help match children with adoptive parents. Two other men, Jason Zwick, 30, of Beaver Creek, and Patrick Rieder, 32, of Dayton, were later convicted of molesting and raping the boys at the invitation of Brandt. After Brandt and his gang were convicted, many of the press reports about them mysteriously disappeared from the web. [8] [9]

Carl Herold and Charles Dunnavant

Carl Philip Herold, 32, of Huntville, Alabama, kept his own 9-year-old-son – a prisoner so that he could be raped and sexually abused by himself and his homosexual partner, Charles Walerker Dunnavant. Both men were tried in September 2014. They kidnapped the child from his mother,took him across state boundaries, and kept him locked up for eight months during which time they sodomized him, subjected him to other forms of sexual abuse and gave him an STD. They allowed a third homosexual named Mark Bedwell, to rape the child. They also filmed what they were doing to make child pornography and circulate it to other homosexual pedophiles. They faced more than thirty criminal charges including sexual torture. In November 2014 Herold was found hanged in his cell. Dunnevant was convicted of all charges. [10][11][12][13][14][15]

Sarah and Jennifer Hart

Lesbian couple who drove off a cliff in California in April 2018, killing themselves and all six of their adoptive children who were in the car with them. Jennifer Jean Hart and Sarah Margaret Hart, both 38, adopted one set of three siblings in 2006 and a second set in 2009. They presented themselves on Facebook as a cosy, ideal family. The Harts had been repeatedly reported by neighbors for child neglect and abuse. They were under state investigation when they decided to flee their home in Washington. Two weeks before the death, next-door neighbors of the Harts, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, called state child protective services because the Harts' adoptive son Devonte had been coming over to their house almost every day for a week, asking for food. They said they were alarmed at how thin the children were. The girl of 12 looked only 7 years old, and her front teeth were missing. Devonte told them his "mothers" withheld meals as punishment. In 2017, one of girls, Hannah, then aged 15, appeared at the DeKalbs at 1:30a.m after having jumped out of her second-storey window. She asked the DeKalbs to protect her and told her "They whip us with a belt." She also said ""They're racists, and they abuse us!" When the DeKalbs took her back to the Harts' home, they noticed that the child called her mother "Ma'am."

In 2011, Sarah pleaded guilty to a domestic assault charge in Douglas County, Minnesota, telling authorities “she let her anger get out of control” while spanking her 6-year-old adoptive daughter. On a previous occasion, the child said Sarah had held her head under water as a punishment. The children were all home-schooled and had little or no contact with the outside world. [16] [17] [18]

Kimberly Lucas

Kimberly Lucas

In 2014, Kimberly Lucas was convicted of murdering the 2-year-old daughter of her lesbian partner Jacquelyn Jamason, in Jupiter, Florida. She also attempted to murder Jacquelyn's son Ethan aged 10, but the boy survived. Lucas, who pleaded guilty, poisoned both children with pills. She told the boy that the pill would make him grow faster and gave it to him in a cup of coffee, the report said. She also allegedly tried to give half a pill to Elliana in a glass of water, but the toddler didn’t like the taste and refused to drink it. So Kimberly drowned her in the bath, where she was found dead by police. Her 10-year-old brother tried to save the girl and called 911 for help. Lucas got a life sentence. [19] [20]

Rachel Trelfa and Nyomi Fee

This lesbian couple of Glenrothes, Scotland, brutally murdered Nyomi's 2-year-old son on 22 March 2014, then blamed other children for his death.

Rachel Trelfa and Nyomi Fee

Fee, also known as Trelfa, and her civil partner Nyomi Fee, 30, were both convicted of abusing and murdering Liam Fee who suffered fatal heart injuries similar to those found on road crash victims and spent the last days of his life in agony from an untreated broken leg and fractured arm. Investigators concluded that the child had been repeatedly beaten for several days and kept locked up.

The pair were also convicted of hideous cruelty to two boys in their care, one of whom they tried to blame for Liam's death. After Liam had died, they grabbed the hand of the seven-year-old and forced it into the dead boy’s mouth to make police and paramedics believe the two children had been fighting. The couple deprived all three boys of food, refused to let them go to the toilet at night and forced them to stand under a cold shower if they wet the bed. The Fees told the older boys that their penises would be cut off with a saw and said to one of them that they had killed his dad with a saw. They made a cage out of a metal fireguard and piece of wood and imprisoned one of the youngsters in it with his arms and legs bound to the structure for prolonged periods of time. The couple forced the same boy to eat his own excrement and dog excrement, put soap in his mouth and shut him in a darkened drawer to sleep. The other seven-year-old child was compelled to eat his own vomit and had his face rubbed in underwear soiled with urine and faeces. One of the seven-year-olds had a cage of rats put on his head and the other was tied naked in a room were rats and snakes were kept and was told a boa constrictor there ‘ate naughty boys’. Both women were charged with assaulting Liam, who was also known as Liam Fee, by repeatedly inflicting blunt force trauma to his head and body between January 2012 and March 2014.. Rachel complained to her ex-husband that Nyomi was "dominating" and had at one time taken all her bank cards away and did not allow her to leave the house. [21] Rachel got a 23 year jail sentence and Nyomi, 24 years. Both women had previous convictions for such offences as theft or possession of illegal drugs. An appeal was rejected. [22] [23]

Seth Jackson


A homosexual couple in Wichita, Kansas in July 2014 left a baby to die in a hot, closed car while they smoked marijuana and watched TV inside their home. They said they had completely forgotten all about 10-month-old Kadillak Poe-Jones, who was found dead of suffocation. Jackson came back from a shopping trip, parked the car in a hot driveway, unloaded the shopping and forgot that Kadillak was still in the car, fixed into her seat with a safety belt. The windows were wound up. It was only hours later while watching TV that they realized she was not in the house. Jackson was found to have been smoking marijuana all day previous to the child's death. He and his partner Payton Schroeder had been allowed to foster a total of six children, and were paid by the state per child. Jackson, who works as a teacher, was sentenced to 32 months in jail, Schroeder to nothing. The remaining children were taken out of their care. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]

Amanda Wright and Besline Joseph

Amanda Wright and Besline Joseph

Amanda Rachelle Wright, 29, and her live-in girlfriend, Besline Joseph, were convicted of horrific cruelty to their three children in Mardela Spring, Maryland in 2018. Wright was the mother of the children aged 8, 9, 10. Maryland State Police found the children endured beatings and were reportedly forced to eat dog feces. The lesbian couple threatened to kill the kids if they told anyone. The children, whose identities remain anonymous for protection, were reportedly beaten multiple times by both women since at least May 2017. The beatings were inflicted with hands, extension cords, belts, sticks, a stun gun and other objects, said Maryland State Police officials. "They were also starved, being fed a diet of only bread and water and some oatmeal from time to time. Investigators learned they were forced to eat dog feces on occasion," Maj. Greg Shipley of Maryland State Police told reporters. Investigators said the children were reportedly locked in closets as well as the basement of the home. The women were said to have threatened the children they would have their throats cut if they reported their abusive conditions.

Joseph gave one of the children a bloody nose that left bloodstains on the floor of the bedroom. A witness reported seeing the children punched in the face, threatened with a Taser, grabbed by the neck, locked in the closet and beaten with a spear. One of the children told investigators he had been pushed into the washing machine, causing him to crack his head, but he didn't tell anyone, as he was scared Joseph would hurt one of his siblings to punish him.[29]

David Cannon and John Scarfe

A homosexual couple who were among the very first allowed to legally adopt in UK after laws were changed. They sexually molested their adoptive son for years, forcing him to take drugs while they engaged in a variety of sex-acts on him or compelled him to perform them. When the boy complained, repeatedly his complaints were ignored because social services had a political agenda of promoting homosexual adoption. He left home and joined the army to get away from the abusers. Later, as an adult, he brought a legal case prosecuting Cannon and Scarfe for abuse. He faced much obstruction and delay because he was seen as a threat to the LGBT agenda. The case took five years. In 2006 the young man finally got Cannon and Scarfe jailed but their sentence was only thirty months each. They each served little more than a year inside. He was awarded £25,000 in compensation (about $18,000). A report written by Patrick Ayres, a child protection officer, now calls this “gross negligence”. [30] [31]

Deborah and Jennifer Harrison

Deborah and Jennifer Harrison.jpg

Deborah Harrison, 37, and “wife” Jennifer Harrison were jailed in Hull, England in 2017 for starving Deborah's 14-year-old daughter and hitting her 34 times with a hammer. The Judge at Hull Crown Court called it “the worst case of actual bodily harm” he had ever dealt with. They forced her to cut the grass at night with scissors and hit her with a hammer for stealing food or having sweet wrappers in her room. Jennifer told the girl "I want you gone so that I can get on with my life." The girl was also beaten with hairbrushes and a TV remote as well as being made to sleep on the floor with dogs. The violence had taken place over a number of years and when examined by a doctor days after an attack the girl had bruises all over her head and body. Both women were sentenced to 4 years jail. [32] [33]

Rachel Stevens and Kayla Jones

Rachel Stevens, 28 and Kayla Jones, 25, of Muskogee, Oklahoma USA, were jailed in 2017 for severe cruelty. The lesbian couple beat Stevens’ 5-year-old son with a hammer, blindfolding his eyes with duct-tape and kicked him in the groin until he bled and suffered two strokes.

Rachel Stevens and Kayla Jones

Then they started an online appeal for money on GoFundMe claiming their child was suffering from seizures after taking a fall.

Stevens and Jones, 25, also whipped the little boy with a belt and tortured him so badly he suffered strokes and seizures.

In early December the child was flown to St John Medical Center in Tulsa suffering from seizures and lesions on his face. Doctors at the hospital contacted police after determining that the child had several broken bones in various stages of healing and appeared malnourished.

While the boy was receiving medical treatment, he suffered two strokes ‘due to his trauma.’ Investigators subsequently interviewed the little boy and learned that he had been tied up, had duct tape placed over his eyes and had been kept in a locked room. The toddler also said that his mother struck him on the hand with a hammer, and that both she and Jones hit him with a belt all over his body. The maltreatment went on for several months.

The lesbian couple who reportedly have been together for 18 months, shared their Muskogee home with the victim’s twin brother and 7-year-old sister, who were both been taken into care. They got a 20-year sentence. [34]

Matthew and Craig Scully-Hicks


Matthew and Craig Scully-Hicks, a male homosexual couple in Wales UK, were allowed to adopt two small children, one of whom Elsie, was found beaten to death two weeks after she was formally adopted. Elsie's real name was Shayla O'Brien and her birth family did not wanted her adopted, but she was taken by the state as part of a political agenda to place children in the care of homosexuals. Elsie was placed with the Scully-Hicks for a year before she was adopted, and left with Matthew Scully-Hicks while Craig had a full-time job. During those months she was several times taken into hospital with injuries including a fractured leg and other injuries. Matthew claimed she had suffered a series of accidents. Even at the adoption review two social workers saw a large bruise on the child's forehead but did nothing about it because they were so eager to promote "gay adoption". Neighbours later remembered hearing him shouting furiously at the baby "Shut up! Shut the f--k up!" In May 2016 Elsie was taken to hospital with fatal injuries including bleeding in her brain and eyes, a fractured skull and fractured ribs. The post mortem concluded that Matthew had struck her head deliberately against a wall and crushed her rib-cage. He was convicted of murder and got 18 years, a sentence against which he immediately appealed. Craig Scully-Hicks insisted he knew nothing about what was going on, despite the fact that Matthew sent text messages saying he was exasperated with the child, could not bear her crying all the time, and calling her "Satan dressed up in a Baby grow", "a psycho" and "the exorcist". After the child's death, social services took a long time to release the facts and the birth parents were not told for eight months. [35] [36]

Polly Chowdhury and Kiki Muddar

Polly Chowdhury, 35, and her 43-year-old lesbian lover Kiki Muddar, of in Chadwell Heath, Essex, England, tortured and killed Polly's daughter while indulging in weird fantasies and mind-games. The pair were convicted of manslaughter in 2015. The child, Ayesha, aged 8, weighed just three-and-a-half stone when she died and had 56 separate injuries. Some were inflicted by her mother Chowdhury who bit her on the back as part of vampire fantasy. The lesbian couple tortured Ayesha to rid her of ‘evil spirits’. Muddar persuaded Polly to believe in fifteen fantasy characters including a Muslim spirit and a male lover who sent messages to her via Facebook and text. The characters persuaded Chowdhury to eject her husband from the house and start a lesbian relationship with Muddar. These fantasy characters told her to punish and attack Ayesha. The child was found by emergency services, dead on the floor of her bedroom, starved for many months. Muddar told Polly over and over again that the child was evil and must be punished. Texts were later recovered, including Muddar telling Chowdhury ‘you have no right to ever love or like your evil daughter’. The girl came to believe this and wrote pathetic, heart-breaking letters saying she was sorry for being a bad girl. Ayesha's father paid tribute to ‘amazing, loving and intelligent’ Ayesha after her death. [37] [38] [39] [40]

Eraca Craig and Christian Deanda

Eraca Dawn Craig, 31, and Christian Jessica Deanda, 44, a lesbian couple in Salinas, Montery County, California, were convicted of child cruelty, false imprisonment and torture in 2014.

Deputies conducted a welfare check at the house after the children didn’t show up for an unspecified appointment, detectives said. They found the children, who were home-schooled, living in squalid conditions. The 8-year-old girl looked “like a concentration camp victim,” said Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller. She had been virtually starved for months, and there were signs of her being regularly chained up, to prevent her from getting food.

Also in the home were two boys, aged 5 and 3. The youngest boy was Craig's biological son, the others being adopted. All the children had bruises. The girl appeared to have been the most abused, deputies said, though all three had bruises and other marks and appeared to be malnourished. The girl had been chained to the wall about 4 feet above the floor shackled either by the ankle or sometimes by a collar around her neck. At other times she was locked in a cupboard, hosed with cold water, beaten with a belt and had her head held under a tap. The boys had been made to beat her and urinate on her as a punishment.

Deanda got a life sentence and Craig 11 years for child abuse with great bodily injury, false imprisonment and child endangerment. [41][42][43][44]

Jeannace Freeman & Gertrude May (Nunez) Jackson

Jeannace Freeman & Gertrude Jackson

Lesbian couple who murdered Gertrude's two children in Oregon in 1961. On 10th 1961, they drove to the cliff above Crooked River Canyon. Jeannace told Mrs. Jackson to take a walk. Then she strangled the boy Larry, beat him with a tire iron, undressed him, and mutilated his genitals – possibly to make it look like sexual assault. She threw his body off the cliff. Mrs. Jackson came back, and helped Jeannace to undress her four-year-old daughter. They then mutilated her genitals, and threw her, still alive, off the cliff. The bodies were found some days later. The two women were arrested near San Francisco and brought back for trial. By testifying against Freeman, Jackson avoided the death penalty. Freeman was sentenced to death but survived on appeal until the death penalty was abolished in 1964. She remained in jail until 1983. [45]

Paula Martineau & Georganna Lagen, Aka King

Both women were Air Force officers. Convicted of manslaughter and child abuse in relation to the death of Lagen's 27-month-old daughter Michelle in Las Vegas in 1984. The child died of a traumatic head injury and the women had delayed in taking her to a hospital. They claimed she had a fall, but the investigation indicated that the injuries - a skull fracture and a massive haemmorrage -were more likely to have been caused by shaking her violently. They gave inconsistent explanations and were finally convicted three and a half years later. [46]

Ana Cardona and Olivia Gonzalez

Ana Cardona and Olivia Gonzalez

Ana Cardona 30 and Olivia Gonzalez, lesbian couple convicted of torturing and murdering Cardona's three-year-old son in Miami, Florida in 1990. His body was found some distance from the house, wearing only a filthy diaper and a T-shirt. He had been beaten to death with a baseball bat, his skull fractured. Other injuries revealed long-term abuse. They included cigarette burns, broken bones, broken teeth and bedsores from being tied to a mattress for prolonged periods, his nappy rarely changed. His left arm had been broken months before, an injury so severe that rather than healing, the nerves had died and the muscles calcified into bone – a painful process that lasted months. He had been tortured for about a year and a half. At the time of his death, he weighed only eighteen pounds. When tracked down by police, Olivia testified that Ana, the widow of a wealthy drug-dealer from Cuba, had killed the boy, and together they had dumped his body. Both had been heavy users of alcohol and drugs. Ana was convicted of first-degree murder and torture, Olivia of second-degree murder. [47]

Tivia Strother and Lisa (Kevin) Smith

Lesbian couple convicted in 1992 in Los Angeles, Ca. for the death of Tivia's 18-month–old daughter, who had been conceived through artificial insemination. Tivia Strother, 22 (M) & Lisa (Kevin) Smith, 24, took the child to Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center on April 5, where she died 2 days later of injuries and malnutrition. They explained bruises and other injuries on her body by claiming they had all been victims of a gang attack. Police decided that marks and cuts on Strother's body were self-inflicted. “The toddler was emaciated like ‘a concentration camp victim’ from being starved, and had been forced to stand in a corner for eight hours at a time. The youngster also was forced to eat only oatmeal or grits, and autopsy reports showed the girl's mouth was damaged from being force-fed with a metal spoon.” Strother was convicted of first-degree murder and torture. Lisa (Kevin) Smith was convicted of manslaughter. [48] [49]

Mozelle Brown and Terry Stockley

Mozelle Brown, 36 and Terry Stockley, 38, lesbian couple of Maywood, Illinois, convicted in 2000 of severely injuring Brown's 11 month old daughter. The baby girl had burns covering her torso and genitalia, two broken arms, several broken ribs, and a broken leg. The mother and her partner, abused the girl between August and December. They were convicted of aggravated battery, given jail sentences, and all six children who had been in their care were removed to be fostered. [50]

Mary Rowles and Alice Jenkins

Mary Rowles and Alice Jenkins

Lesbian couple in Akron, Ohio sentenced to 30 years in jail for their horrific abuse of their six children (who had been fathered by four different men) Akron police picked up Mary Rowles' eldest son, aged 13, shortly before dawn on 28 April 2003, wandering barefoot through the city's streets with two brothers one 10, the other 8. They were severely malnourished, and told police they had pried open a nailed-shut window at their mother's home on Florida Avenue in Kenmore where she and her partner of seven years had kept them locked in a closet since 14 February. They said the closet was hot, dark, reeked of excrement, and that they were allowed out only once a day to eat. To escape they had to drop from a second-floor roof.

The children told of having been hit with a hammer, whipped with a belt, kicked in the groin, and stabbed with a fork. Jenkins had made them lick a dirty toilet bowl.

The two women initially pleaded guilty to 55 counts but later attempted to withdraw their pleas. … Their punishment and torture included their mother's partner, 27-year-old Alice Jenkins, forcing them to eat dog and cat feces, which made them sick. In another incident, according to the youngsters, they were forced to hold down the 10-year-old while Jenkins kicked him in the groin with steel-toed boots. [51] A friend recalled a heated argument arising because Jenkins wanted the children to call her "Daddy" and they did not wish to. Three of Rowles' children told officials their mother and Jenkins smoked marijuana regularly. In court the women showed no signs of remorse, but laughed, talked and held hands proclaiming their love for each other. [52] Rowles's eldest son subsequently sued his mother for damages because of the severe abuse. [53]

Marcella Williams and Lisa Ann Coleman

Both were convicted of murder in 2006 for the death of Marcella Williams' son Davontae Williams aged 9. He was found dead of starvation in July 2004 at the apartment of the lesbian couple in Arlington, Texas. Prosecutors said Davontae had a busted lip and 250 scars or wounds, and had been forced to live in an empty pantry while no one else in the house went hungry. Davontae weighed 35 pounds - about half the typical weight for a child his age - when paramedics were called to the family's apartment on July 26, 2004. He was also suffering from pneumonia. Child Protective Services records showed Williams and her son had been the subject of at least six child abuse investigations. In one of them Davontae was found to be hungry. In 1999, he and his sister, Destinee, were placed into foster care after Davontae was found to have been beaten with an extension cord. Yet each time they were sent back to their mother. Williams pleaded guilty and thus avoided the death penalty. She got a life sentence. In 2014, Coleman was executed. [54]

Zahira Matos and Carmen Molina

Matos, 20 and Carmen Molina, 32 of New York, N. Y. were convicted for killing Matos's son Yovany Tellez Jr. aged 23 months in 2004. The cause of death was multiple blunt impact injuries to the head, torso and extremities, along with fractured ribs and extremities and a lacerated liver, according to Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the medical examiner. The manner of death was ruled fatal child abuse syndrome, and prosecutors said the boy had 60 bruises on his body and was covered in feces. After conviction the two women blamed the child's father, and also devils whom they claimed had made them do it. They insisted that they both saw a demonic “monster” in the apartment shortly before Yovany died. [55] [56] [57]

Starkeisha Brown and Krystal Matthews

Starkeisha Brown, 24 and Krystal Matthews, 21 were jailed in Los Angeles, Ca. in 2009 for torturing Brown's five-year-old son. When the boy was rescued in June 2008, he had countless cigarette burns all over his body, including his genitals, and could not open his hands because he was forced to put them flat on a hot stove. He had been repeatedly beaten and forced to sit in his own urine. Brown and Matthews abused and starved the boy over several months. When a stranger reported them for child cruelty, they took someone else's 4-year-old son to Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services to discuss the allegation and tried to pass the boy off as Brown's. The pair bolted from the office when the official was not deceived. By the time Brown's real son was taken to Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, he was suffering from kidney failure, malnutrition and anemia as well as burns all over the body. They got jail sentences of 15 and 14 years respectively. [58]

Erica Mae Butts and Shanita Latrice Cunningham

Erica Mae Butts and Shanita Latrice Cunningham, both 25, were convicted of killing Serenity Richardson aged 3, in November 2009. The child was left for a fortnight by her mother in the care of Butts, her godmother, and Cunningham, Butts’ partner, in Summerville, South Carolina. They flew into a rage with the child for urinating on the floor. Butts admitted to Summerville police on Nov. 3 that she whipped the girl with a belt. After thrashing her severely, she collapsed and they then tried to revive her with ice and bleach, but she died. Paramedics found the toddler cold, with rigor mortis beginning to set in, according to Assistant Solicitor Elizabeth Gordon. “The child had bruises, contusions, scrapes, swelling to her entire body,” Gordon said. “The only parts of this child’s body that were spared were the soles of her feet and her armpits.” Investigators ruled that full-body blunt-force trauma caused Serenity’s death. The pair were jailed in 2011. [59]

Becky Truelove and Lisa Vanetten

Vanetten and Truelove.jpg

Truelove, 43 & Vanetten, 45, were convicted in Oklahoma City in 2014 for beating, torturing and starving a child. In early October 2013 the girl arrived at school in Southwest Oklahoma City with injuries to her face. Her school uniform was also very dirty and smelled of animals. She said she had been punched in the face the girlfriend of her aunt, Truelove who is the sole custodian. She was forced to call Lisa Venetten her aunt's lesbian lover "dad". They had 10 dogs and 13 cats in the residence and everything was filthy and neglected. The children did not get regular meals. It then emerged that the niece and another girl in the care of the lesbian couple had been sexually abused over a period of years by Vanetten and her partner. The document stated that both girls were assaulted many times. Vanetten and Truleove touched the girls' private areas, made the girls go into their bedroom and undress and forced them to watch Truelove and Vanetten have lesbian relations. In another document filed against Truelove it described sex acts the couple would perform on the girls. It also stated the couple tried using a sex toy on one of the girls. [60] [61]

Hanelie Botha and Engeline de Nysschen

Botha and Nysschen

Hanelie Botha, 31 and Engeline de Nysschen, 33, were convicted in 2003 in Vereeniging, South Africa, of murdering Jandre Botha, Botha's four-year-old son. De Nysschen viciously assaulted Jandre demanding that he call her ‘Daddy.’ While Jandre was beaten, his mother failed to intervene or protect him. Evidence showed he had sustained horrific injuries, including a fractured skull and brain damage, as well as broken legs, collarbone, hands and pelvis. Botha claimed he had slipped in the bath. The court concluded that De Nysschen had inflicted the injuries, over a prolonged period of time, but that Botha was guilty of perjury, lying to the court to protect her lesbian lover.[62] Botha had obtained sole custody of the child after a long court battle with her ex-husband, Jandre's father, who had previously tried to prosecute his ex-wife for child cruelty. He had reported her to child protection services in 1999, four years earlier but failed to get custody. The courts were eager to impose an LGBT-friendly policy regardless of evidence or the welfare of the child. The father said "the law and the social workers in Potgietersrus failed me. It was proven in court this time that the social workers who recommended that Hanelie must get custody of Jandre did not do their job properly. I laid an assault charge against them four years ago." A year before Jandre's death, the court dismissed the matter on the grounds that there was no evidence. This was even though Jandre had been absent from pre-school several times - now proved to have been the result of serial beatings. There was enough incriminating evidence against them, but they were released without charge because the social workers and police were eager to prove they were not "homophobic" [63]

Frederick and Rosemary West

Pair of English serial killers arrested in 1994 for murder, rape and torture of a dozen girls and women, including two of their own daughters, they are often quoted as an example of how heterosexuals carry out the worst child abuse. However, both parents were bisexual. The father abused his sons as well as his daughters. Rosemary West had lesbian relations with many of the girls they kidnapped and raped, and she is known to have joined in sexually abusing her own daughters. Both of them can be categorized as "gay" and this horror story, like many others, belongs under the LGBT banner. [64] See Fred West and Rosemary West

LGBT Parents Who Bring Children up Transgender

Children brought up by homosexuals are far more likely than others to develop gender dysphoria. These children are doomed to become eunuchs, never experience sexual arousal or pleasure, and face a future of sterility, drastic surgery which often has to be repeated, and injecting drugs which have dangerous side-effects. Many of them will die as a result of the treatment. See Transgender: LGBT Culture and Transgender Youth.

Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel

Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, a lesbian couple in Berkeley, California, announced in 2011 that their 8-year-old adoptive son Thomas wanted to become a girl and they supported him in this behavior which will lead to his castration. Thomas now calls himself “Tammy” and wears dresses. They are sending him for hormonal treatment to suppress puberty - a course of action that is dangerous unhealthy and has been condemned as "child abuse" by the ACP and leading psychiatrists. [65][66]

Another Lesbian Mother Decides Boy is a Girl

The lesbian mother of a boy attending a Toronto Catholic School in 2014 decided that he was a girl by the time he was six years old. She claimed that he liked playing with girl's toys and always gravitated towards "feminine" objects. Of course since she and her partner were lesbians, there were no men in the family for him to identify with or play with. The school accepted her decision, and allowed her to change the boy's name, dress him in girl's clothes, and insist he shared all private facilities with girls. [67]

Greg and Jody Rogers

A couple in Scotland, consisting of two women one of whom "transitioned" to impersonate a man, are bringing up their son Jayden to transition to a boy. They made this decision when he was only five years old, far too young to understand at all about what sex is and what so-called "transitioning" will entail i.e. a life of drastic surgery, sterility, sexual non-function and injecting harmful drugs. Many people have protested that this is child abuse but so far the parents have avoided prosecution. [68]

Psychological Impact on Children

The children are usually the last to be consulted about the prospect of same-sex parenting. Inevitably, it entails alienating the child from one or both parents, and if this is done simply to indulge the homosexual leanings of the adult, it raises the question of what our priorities are. Why should the adult's homosexual tastes take priority over every other consideration?

The children who have reached adulthood and speak out about their experience of being brought up by homosexuals are sometimes called COGs (Children of Gays). Many say that to them it was a significant deprivation. Millie Fontana, a donor-conceived child of lesbians in Australia, opposed the introduction of same-sex "marriage" because it would lead to more children being deprived of a father like she was. She said that the lack of a father in her life had caused her insecurity, and that from a young age she felt that she 'wanted a father,' even though she couldn't 'even articulate what a father was.' 'I knew that I loved both of my parents but I could not place my finger on what it is I was missing inside myself.' 'When I hit school I started to realise through observing other children and their loving bonds with their fathers that I really was missing out on something special.' Millie's mother lied to her, telling her for years that she did not have a father, or that they did not know who he was. In fact her father was a high school friend of her mother, who obligingly fathered Millie and her two brothers so there was no need to pay for artificial insemination. Millie met her father when she was 11 years old, saying in previous interviews it was the first time she felt 'stable' in her adolescence. She said her testimony was 'unheard of because nobody wants to hear about the other side of the rainbow.' Children are 'The side that is not catered for, that don't grow up happy and grow up with a dissenting idea of what a family structure should be.' [69]


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Adoption by same-sex couples is legal in a dozen countries and in some regions of USA, Australia and Mexico. This is the result of very well-funded legal actions and political campaigns brought by the global LGBT network, undermining the rights of children.

Rosie O'Donnell

The TV presenter Rosie O'Donnell, a lesbian activist, has adopted several children but to judge from media reports and her own blog, the outcome has been far from rosy. In 2015 she announced to the media that her adoptive daughter Chelsea, had run away from home. She reported the girl to police as "missing". Chelsea then contacted the media and said that she had actually been thrown out of Rosie's home two weeks before her 18th birthday, after one of a long series of rows and bitter disputes. So she had gone to live with her boyfriend. O'Donnell then tried to discredit Chelsea's story by telling the whole world that her daughter was mentally ill. O'Donnell has been a campaigner for homosexual adoption and adopted several children with a series of partners. None of the relationships lasted and Chelsea spoke out about Rosie's inadequacy as a mother. She said that Rosie left her to be brought up by nannies while she was busy smoking marijuana and having a series of acrimonious break-ups with female partners. She took no interest in healthy food for the family and if the younger baby woke up at night, would pass it to nannies or elder siblings, never look after it herself. Rosie had a lot of noisy rows with her partner Kelli Carpenter, whom she later divorced. Chelsea found this disturbing. Rosie was irritable, would yell at children and hand out punishments, but rarely spent any quality time with them. From 13-16 Chelsea was sent to boarding-schools, so she rarely saw her adoptive mother at all. When Chelsea returned to Rosie's home at the age of 17, Rosie was in the throes of a divorce from her latest partner, Michelle Rounds (who committed suicide shortly afterwards). She demanded to see Chelsea's phone and computer so she could check out her boyfriend. After doing so, she abruptly told Chelsea to leave and take her dog with her.

Chelsea recalled Rosie telling her from time to time things that were not actually true. For instance she told her daughter that her birth mother had been on heroin, but Chelsea, who later went to meet her birth mother, was able to check the hospital records and established that this was untrue. [70] [71] [72]


In January 2008, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that same-sex couples have the right to adopt a child. This outcome was the result of intensive lobbying by activists who are themselves funded by generous grants from the EU which donates hundreds of millions of € per year to such organizations. It does not donate anything to groups who fight for children's rights or the protection of the family unit. [73][74]

In 2010 a Florida court declared that reports and studies find that there are no differences in the parenting of homosexuals or the adjustment of their children, therefore the Court is satisfied that the issue is so far beyond dispute that it would be irrational to hold otherwise. The polemical and partisan nature of the language alone reveal that this decision was the result of LGBT lobbying not of genuine research. The judge had no qualification in this area. [75]


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Some homosexual couples, especially male couples, decide to pay a woman to act as a surrogate mother. A surrogate is a woman who gets pregnant by IVF in order to gestate and give birth to a child for somebody else. Some women become surrogates for money, others to help a close female relative, or just because they are stupid. [76] Some people have raised concerns about the exploitation inherent in surrogacy, since it entails hiring and making use of a woman's body. [77]

Schematic illustration of an AI procedure


Insemination is a method used mostly by lesbian couples. It is when a partner is fertilised with donor sperm injected through a syringe. Some men donate sperm for money, others without charge. In some countries the donor can choose to be anonymous (for example in Spain) and in others he cannot have his identity withheld (United Kingdom).

Developing methods

Currently scientists conduct research on alternative types of human parenthood which can aid same-sex couples to have children.[78] One of the possibilities is obtaining sperm from skin stem cells.[79]

See also






  1. Berkowitz, D & Marsiglio, W (2007). Gay Men: Negotiating Procreative, Father, and Family Identities. Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (May 2007): 366–381
  2. Same-Sex Parenting Research: A Critical Assessment Bold text by Walter R. Schumm PhD, Wilberforce Publications, London, England, 2018.
  3. Jephthah's Children, The Innocent Casualties of Same-Sex Parenting, edited by Dr Robert Oscar Lopez and Dr Brittany Klein, Wilberforce Publications, London, England, 2016.
  4. The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon is a book by Moira Greyland, pub. Castalia House, 2017
  5. and and and and
  9. http://wwwDOTexaminerDOTcom/slideshow/jason-zwick-is-charged-with-rape-of-a-minor-ohio
  49. “Mother found guilty of killing daughter,” The San Bernardino County Sun (Ca.), Jan. 25, 1995, Southland Section, p.3 and “Woman Given 25 Years for Torturing, Killing Daughter,” Los Angeles Times (Ca.), Jun. 28, 1995
  50. and
  53. | News ... 2 Aug 2007 - AKRON, Ohio, August 2, 2007 ( - 19 year-old ... is suing his mother Mary Rowles, her lesbian partner Alice Jenkins, the
  73. EMRK is for the LGBT adoption[dead link]
  74. Euronews: Gleichgeschlechtliche Adoptiveltern – Gerichtshof rügt Frankreich (German)[dead link]
  76. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  77. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  78. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  79. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  80. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.

External links