Ogham inscription

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Ogham stone CIIC 504 from the Isle of Man showing the droim in centre. Text reads BIVAIDONAS MAQI MUCOI CUNAVA[LI], or in English of Bivaidonas, son of the tribe Cunava[li]

There are roughly 400 known ogham inscriptions on stone monuments scattered around the Irish Sea, the bulk of them dating to the 5th and 6th centuries. Their language is predominantly Primitive Irish, but a few examples record fragments of the Pictish language. Ogham itself is an Early Medieval form of alphabet or cypher, sometimes known as the "Celtic Tree Alphabet".

There are a number of different numbering schemes. The most widespread is CIIC, after R. A. S. Macalister. This covers the inscriptions known by the 1940s. Another numbering scheme is that of the Celtic Inscribed Stones Project, CISP, based on the location of the stones; for example CIIC 1 = CISP INCHA/1. Macalister's (1945) numbers run from 1 to 507, including also Latin and Runic inscriptions, with three additional added in 1949. Ziegler lists 344 Gaelic ogham inscriptions known to Macalister (Ireland and Isle of Man), and seven additional inscriptions discovered later.

The inscriptions may be divided into "orthodox" and "scholastic" specimens. "Orthodox" inscriptions date to the Primitive Irish period, and record a name of an individual, either as a cenotaph or tombstone, or documenting land ownership. "Scholastic" inscriptions date from the medieval Old Irish period up to Modern times.

The vast bulk of the surviving ogham inscriptions stretch in arc from County Kerry (especially Corcu Duibne) in the south of Ireland across to Dyfed in south Wales. The remainder are mostly in south-eastern Ireland, eastern and northern Scotland, the Isle of Man, and England around the Devon/Cornwall border. The vast majority of the inscriptions consist of personal names, probably of the person commemorated by the monument.

Orthodox inscriptions

  Aicme Beithe   Aicme Muine
ᚁ Beith αš‹ Muin
αš‚ Luis ᚌ Gort
αšƒ Fearn ᚍ nGΓ©adal
αš„ Sail ᚎ Straif
αš… Nion ᚏ Ruis
  Aicme hÚatha   Aicme Ailme
αš† Uath ᚐ Ailm
αš‡ Dair αš‘ Onn
ᚈ Tinne αš’ Úr
αš‰ Coll αš“ Eadhadh
ᚊ Ceirt αš” Iodhadh
αš• Γ‰abhadh
αš– Γ“r
αš— Uilleann
ᚘ Ifín ᚚ Peith
αš™ Eamhancholl

In orthodox inscriptions the script was carved into the edge (droim or faobhar) of the stone, which formed the stemline against which individual characters are cut. The text of these "Orthodox Ogham" inscriptions is read beginning from the bottom left-hand side of a stone, continuing upward along the edge, across the top and down the right-hand side (in the case of long inscriptions).

MacManus (1991) lists a total of 382 known Orthodox inscriptions. They are found in most counties of Ireland, concentrated in Southern Ireland: County Kerry (130), Cork (84), Waterford (48), Kilkenny (14), Mayo (9), Kildare (8), Wicklow and Meath (5 each), Carlow (4), Wexford, Limerick, Roscommon (3 each), Antrim, Cavan, Louth, Tipperary (2 each), Armagh, Dublin, Fermanagh, Leitrim, Derry and Tyrone (1 each). Other specimens are known from Wales (ca. 40: Pembrokeshire (16), Breconshire and Carmarthenshire (7 each), Glamorgan (4), Cardiganshire (3), Denbighshire (2), Powys (1), and Caernarvonshire (1)), from England (Cornwall (5) Devon (2), elsewhere (1?)); the Isle of Man (5), and with some doubtful examples from Scotland (2?)

Formula words

The vast majority of inscriptions consist of personal names and use a series of formula words, usually describing the person's ancestry or tribal affiliation. The formula words used are MAQI αš‹αšαšŠαš” – 'son' (Modern Irish mac); MUCOI αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš” – 'tribe' or 'sept'; ANM αšαš…αš‹ – 'name' (Modern Irish ainm); AVI αšαšƒαš” – 'descendant' (Modern Irish uΓ­); CELI αš‰αš“αš‚αš” – 'follower' or 'devotee' (Modern Irish cΓ©ile); NETA αš…αš“αšˆαš – 'nephew' (Modern Irish nia); KOI αš•αš‘αš” – 'here is' (equivalent to Latin HIC IACIT). KOI is unusual in that the K is always written using the first supplementary letter Ebad. In order of frequency the formula words are used as follows:

  • X MAQI Y (X son of Y)
  • X MAQI MUCOI Y (X son of the tribe Y)
  • X MAQI Y MUCOI Z (X son of Y of the tribe Z)
  • X KOI MAQI MUCOI Y (here is X son of the tribe Y)
  • X MUCOI Y (X of the tribe Y)
  • X MAQI Y MAQI MUCOI Z (X son of Y son of the tribe Z)
  • Single name inscriptions with no accompanying formula word
  • ANM X MAQI Y (Name X son of Y)
  • ANM X (Name X )
  • X AVI Y (X descendant of Y)
  • X MAQI Y AVI Z (X son of Y descendant of Z)
  • X CELI Y (X follower/devotee of Y)
  • NETTA X (nephew/champion of X)


The nomenclature of the Irish personal names is more interesting than the rather repetitive formulae and reveals details of early Gaelic society, particularly its warlike nature. For example, two of the most commonly occurring elements in the names are CUNA αš‰αš’αš…αš – 'hound' or 'wolf' (Modern Irish cΓΊ) and CATTU αš‰αšαšˆαšˆαš’ – 'battle' (Modern Irish cath). These occur in names such as (300) CUNANETAS αš‰αš’αš…αšαš…αš“αšˆαšαš„ – 'Champion of wolves'; (501) CUNAMAGLI αš‰αš’αš…αšαš‹αšαšŒαš‚αš” – 'prince of wolves'; (107) CUNAGUSSOS – '(he who is) strong as a wolf'; (250) CATTUVVIRR αš‰αšαšˆαšˆαš’αšƒαšƒαš”αšαš – 'man of battle'; (303) CATABAR αš‰αšαšˆαšαšαšαš – 'chief in battle'; IVACATTOS αš”αšƒαšαš‰αšαšˆαšˆαš‘αš„ – 'yew of battle'. Other warlike names include (39) BRANOGENI αšαšαšαš…αš‘αšŒαš“αš…αš” – 'born of raven'; (428) TRENAGUSU αšˆαšαš“αš…αšαšŒαš’αš„αš’ – 'strong of vigour'; and (504) BIVAIDONAS αšαš”αšƒαšαš”αš‡αš‘αš…αšαš„ – 'alive like fire'. Elements that are descriptive of physical characteristics are also common, such as (368) VENDUBARI αšƒαš“αš…αš‡αš’αšαšαšαš” – 'fair-headed'; (75) CASONI αš‰αšαš„αš‘αš…αš” – 'curly headed one'; (119) DALAGNI αš‡αšαš‚αšαšŒαš…αš” – 'one who is blind'; (46) DERCMASOC αš‡αš“αšαš‰αš‹αšαš„αš‘αš‰ – 'one with an elegant eye'; (60) MAILAGNI αš‹αšαš”αš‚αšαšŒαš…αš” – 'bald/short haired one' and (239) GATTAGLAN αšŒαšαšˆαšˆαšαšŒαš‚αšαš… – 'wise and pure'.

Other names indicate a divine ancestor. The god Lugh features in many names such as (4) LUGADDON αš‚αš’αšŒαšŒαšαš‡αš‘αš…, (286) LUGUDECA αš‚αš’αšŒαš’αš‡αš“αš‰αš and (140) LUGAVVECCA αš‚αš’αšŒαšαšƒαšƒαš“αš‰αš‰αš, while the divine name ERC (meaning either 'heaven or 'cow') appears in names such as (93) ERCAIDANA αš“αšαš‰αšαš”αš‡αšαš…αš and (196) ERCAVICCAS αš“αšαš‰αšαšƒαš”αš‰αš‰αšαš„ . Other names indicate sept or tribal name, such as (156) DOVVINIAS αš‡αš‘αšƒαšƒαš”αš…αš”αšαš„ from the Corcu Duibne sept of the Dingle and Iveragh peninsulas in Co. Kerry (named after a local goddess); (215) ALLATO αšαš‚αš‚αšαšˆαš‘ from the Altraige of North Kerry and (106) CORIBIRI αš‰αš‘αšαš”αšαš”αšαš” from the DΓ‘l Coirpri of Co. Cork. Finally of particular interest is the fact that quite a few names denote a relationship to trees, names like (230) MAQI-CARATTINN αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‰αšαšαšαšˆαšˆαš”αš…αš… – 'son of rowan'; (v) MAQVI QOLI αš‹αšαšŠαšƒαš”αš€αšŠαš‘αš‚αš” – 'son of hazel' and (259) IVOGENI αš”αšƒαš‘αšŒαš“αš…αš” – 'born of yew'.

The content of the inscriptions has led scholars such as McNeill and Macalister to argue that they are explicitly pagan in nature. They argue that the inscriptions were later defaced by Christian converts, who deliberately attacked them by removing the word MUCOI αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš” on account of its supposedly tribal, pagan associations, and adding crosses next to them to Christianize them. Other scholars, such as McManus argue that there is no evidence for this, citing inscriptions such as (145) QRIMITIR RONANN MAQ COMOGANN αš›αšŠαšαš”αš‹αš”αšˆαš”αšαš€αšαš‘αš…αšαš…αš…αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš€αš‰αš‘αš‹αš‘αšŒαšαš…αš…αšœ, where QRIMITIR is a loan word from Latin presbyter or 'priest'. McManus argues that the supposed vandalism of the inscriptions is simply wear and tear, and due to the inscription stones being reused as building material for walls, lintels, etc. (McManus, Β§4.9). McManus also argues that the MUCOI formula word survived into Christian manuscript usage. There is also the fact the inscriptions were made at a time when Christianity had become firmly established in Ireland. Whether those who wrote the inscriptions were pagans, Christians, or a mixture of both remains unclear.


Ireland has the vast majority of inscriptions, with 330 out of 382. One of the most important collections of orthodox ogham inscriptions in Ireland can be seen in University College Cork (UCC) on public display in 'The Stone Corridor'. The inscriptions were collected by antiquarian Abraham Abell 1783–1851 and were deposited in the Cork Institution before being put on display in UCC. He was a member of the Cuvierian Society of Cork whose members, including John Windele, Fr. Matt Horgan and R.R. Brash, did extensive work in this area in the mid-19th century. Another well-known group of inscriptions can be seen at Dunloe, near Killarney in Co. Kerry. The inscriptions are arranged in a semicircle at the side of the road and are very well preserved.

ID Text Translation / Personal names Location Notes
CIIC 1 αš›αš‚αš”αš“αš€αš‚αš’αšŒαš…αšαš“αš‡αš‘αš…αš€αš‹αšαš‰αš‰αš”αš€αš‹αš“αš…αš’αš“αš†αšœ
"The stone of Lugnaedon son of Limenueh". Inchagoill Island, Co Galway CISP INCHA/1[1]
CIIC 2 αš›αšŠαš“αš…αš’αšƒαš“αš…αš‡αš”αšœ
Qenuvendi, "white head", corresponding to early names Cenond, CenondΓΏn, CenindΓΏn[2] Cloonmorris, Mohill, Co Leitrim CISP CLOOM/1[3]
CIIC 3 αš›αš‰αš’αš…αšαš‚αš“αšŒαš”αš€αšαšƒαš”αš€αšŠαš’αš…αšαš‰αšαš…αš‘αš„αšœ
"Cunalegi, descendant of Qunacanos" Island, Costello, Co Mayo CISP ISLAN/1[4]
CIIC 4 αš›αš‚αš’αšŒαšαš‡αš‡αš‘αš…αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‚αš’αšŒαš’αš‡αš“αš‰αšœ
LugΓ‘ed son of Luguid Kilmannia, Costello, Co Mayo CISP KILMA/1[5]
CIIC 5 αš›αšαš‚αšαšˆαšˆαš‘αš„αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αšαšαšœ
Alattos son of Br... Rusheens East, Kilmovee, Costello, Co Mayo CISP RUSHE/1[6]
CIIC 6 αš›αšŠαšαš„αš”αšŒαš”αš…αš”αš‹αšαšŠαš”αšœ
Qasignias son of ... Tullaghaun, Costello, Co Mayo CISP TULLA/1[7]
CIIC 7 αš›αš‹αšαšŠαš€αš‰αš“αšαšαš…αš”αš€αšαšƒαš”αš€αšαšˆαš†αš“αš‰αš“αšˆαšαš”αš‹αš”αš…αšœ
Son of CiarΓ‘n, descendant of the UΓ­ Riaghan Corrower, Gallen, Co Mayo CISP CORRO/1[8]
CIIC 8 αš›αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš”αš€αš‰αš‘αšαšαšαšŒαš…αš”αš€αšŒαš‚αšαš„αš”αš‰αš‘αš…αšαš„αšœ
Son of the tribe Corbagnus Glasiconas Dooghmakeon, Murrisk, Co Mayo CISP DOOGH/1[9]
CIIC 9 αš›αš‹αšαšŠαšαš‰αšˆαš‘αš‹αšαšŠαšŒαšαšαšœ
Son of Acto, son of Gar Aghaleague, Tirawley, Co Mayo CISP AGHAL/1[10] Almost illegible
CIIC 10 αš›αš‚αš“αšŒαšŒ[--]αš„αš‡[--]αš‚αš“αšŒαš“αš„αš‰αšαš‡αšœ / αš›αš‹αšαšŠαš€αš‰αš‘αšαšαšαšαš”αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš€αšαš‹αš‹αš‚αš‚αš‘αšŒαš”αšˆαšˆαšœ
Legwescad, son of Corrbrias, son of Ammllogwitt Breastagh, Tirawley, Co Mayo CISP BREAS/1[11]
CIIC 141 αš›αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”..αš‘αšŒαšŒαš‘αš‡αš”αš‰αšαšœ
Son of the son of Oggodika Aglish, Corkaguiney, Co Kerry CISP AGLIS/1[12] The ogham stone was cut into an early Christian gravestone, at which time were added a cross pattΓ©e and an arrow-like motif flanked by two swastikas
CIIC 193 αš›αšαš…αš‹αš€αš‰αš‘αš‚αš‹αšαš…αš€αšαš”αš‚αš”αšˆαš†αš”αšαšœ
"[written in] the name of ColmΓ‘n, the pilgrim" Maumanorig, Co Kerry CISP MAUIG/1[13]
CIIC 200 αš›αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αšˆαšˆαšαš‚αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αšƒαš‘αšαšŒαš‘αš„αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš”αš‰αšαš‰αšœ
Son of Dal, son of Vergosus (Fergus), son of the tribe of Toica Coolmagort, Dunkerron North, Co Kerry CISP COOLM/4[14]
CIIC 300 αš›αš‰αš’αš…αš…αš“αšˆαšαš„αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αšŒαš’αš‰αš‘αš”αš€αš…αš“αšˆαšαš€αš„αš“αšŒαšαš‹αš‘αš…αšαš„αšœ
Cunnetas, Neta-Segamonas Old Island, Decies without Drum, Co Waterford CISP OLDIS/1[15]
CIIC 317 αš›αš‡αš‘αšˆαš“αšˆαšˆαš‘αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‹αšαšŒαš‚αšαš…αš”αšœ
Dotetto, Maglani(?) Aghascrebagh, Upper Strabane, Co Tyrone CISP AGHAS/1[16]
CIIC 1082 αš›αšŒαš‚αšαš…αš…αšαš…αš”αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αšαšαšαšαš…αš…αšαš‡αšœ
Ballybroman, Co Kerry CISP BALBR/1[17]
CIIC 1083 αš›αš‰αš‘αš‹αš‹αšαšŒαšŒαšαšŒαš…αš”αš€αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš”αš€αš„αšαš‹αš‹αš…αš…αšœ
Rathkenny, Ardfert, Corkaguiney, Co Kerry CISP RTHKE/1[18]
β€” [A]NM SILLANN MAQ FATTILLOGG Ratass Church, Tralee, Co Kerry CISP RATAS/1[19]



The orthodox inscriptions in Wales are noted for containing names of a Latin origin and some names in Brythonic (or early Welsh), and are mostly accompanied by a Latin inscription in the Roman alphabet. Examples of Brythonic names include (446) MAGLOCUNI αš‹αšαšŒαš‚αš‘αš‰αš’αš…αš” (Welsh Maelgwn) and (449) CUNOTAMI αš‰αš’αš…αš‘αšˆαšαš‹αš” (Welsh cyndaf). Wales has the distinction of the only ogham stone inscription that bears the name of an identifiable individual. The stone commemorates Vortiporius, a 6th-century king of Dyfed (originally located in Clynderwen).[20] Wales also has the only ogham inscription known to commemorate a woman. At Eglwys Cymmin (Cymmin church) in Carmarthenshire is the inscription (362) AVITORIGES INIGENA CUNIGNI αš›αšαšƒαš”αšˆαš‘αšαš”αšŒαš“αš„αš€αš”αš…αš”αšŒαš“αš…αšαš€αš‰αš’αš…αš”αšŒαš…αš”αšœ or 'Avitoriges daughter of Cunigni'. Avitoriges is an Irish name while Cunigni is Brythonic (Welsh Cynin), reflecting the mixed heritage of the inscription makers. Wales also has several inscriptions which attempt to replicate the supplementary letter or forfeda for P (inscriptions 327 and 409).

ID Text Translation / Personal names Location Notes
CIIC 423 αš›αšŠ[--]ᚊᚐ[--]αšŒαšˆαš“αšœ
Castle Villa, Brawdy, Pembrokeshire CISP BRAW/1[21]
CIIC 426 αš›αš…αš“αšˆαšˆαšαš„αšαšŒαšαš”αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš“αš€αšαšαš”αšαš‰αš”αšœ
Nettasagri, Briaci Bridell, Pembrokeshire CISP BRIDL/1[22]
CIIC 427 αš›αš‹αšαšŒαš‚αš”αš‡αš’αšαšαš[--]αšŠαš”αšœ
Magl[ia], Dubr[acunas] Caldey Island, Penally, Pembrokeshire CISP CALDY/1[23]
CIIC 456 αš›αšŒαš“αš…αš‡αš”αš‚αš”αšœ
Steynton, Pembrokeshire CISP STNTN/1[24] Latin "GENDILI"

England, Isle of Man, Scotland


England has seven or eight ogham inscriptions, five in Cornwall and two in Devon near the Cornish border, which are the product of early Irish settlement in the area. A further inscription in Silchester in Hampshire is presumed to be the work of a lone Irish settler. Perhaps surprisingly, Scotland has only three orthodox inscriptions, as the rest are scholastic inscriptions made by the Picts (see below). The Isle of Man has five inscriptions. One of these is the famous inscription at Port St. Mary (503) which reads DOVAIDONA MAQI DROATA αš›αš‡αš‘αšƒαšαš”αš‡αš‘αš…αšαš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‡αšαš‘αšαšˆαšαšœ or 'Dovaidona son of the Druid'.

ID Text Translation / Personal names Location Notes
CIIC 466 αš›αš”αšŒαš“αš…αšαšƒαš”αš€αš‹αš“αš‹αš‘αšαšœ
Lewannick, Cornwall CISP LWNCK/1[25] Latin text "INGENVI MEMORIA"
CIIC 467 αš›αš’αš‚αš‰αšαšŒαš…αš”αšœ
U[L]CAG[.I] / [.L]CAG[.]I
Ulcagni Lewannick, Cornwall CISP LWNCK/2[26] Latin text "[HI]C IACIT VLCAGNI"
CIIC 470 αš›αš‚αšαšˆαš”αš…αš”αšœ
Worthyvale, Slaughterbridge, Minster, Cornwall CISP WVALE/1[27] Latin text "LATINI IC IACIT FILIUS MACARI"
CIIC 484 αš›αš”αš’αš„αšˆαš”αšœ
St. Kew, Cornwall CISP FARDL/1[28] A block of granite, Latin "IVSTI" in a cartouche
CIIC 489 αš›αš„αšƒαšαšŠαšŠαš’αš‰αš”αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αšŠαš”αš‰αš”αšœ
"[The stone] of Safaqqucus, son of Qicus" Ivybridge, Fardel, Devon CISP FARDL/1[29]
CIIC 488 αš›αš“αš…αšαšαšαšαšαšœ
To compare with the name of the horse of Manannan Mac Lir (Enbarr)[30] Roborough Down, Buckland Monachorum, Devon CISP TVST3/1[31]
CIIC 496 αš›αš“αšαš”αš‰αšαšˆαš‘αš„αš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš”αšœ
Silchester, Hampshire CISP SILCH/1[32] Excavated 1893
"Ammecatus son of Rocatus lies here"
"[Am]bicatos son of Rocatos"
Knoc y Doonee, Kirk Andreas CISP ANDRS/1[33] Combined Latin and Ogam
CIIC 501 αš›αš‰αš’αš…αšαš‹αšαšŒαš‚αš”αš€αš‹αšαš‰αšœ
CIIC 502 αš›αš‹αšαšŠαš€αš‚αš“αš‘αšŒαšœ
CIIC 503 αš›αš‡αš‘αšƒαšαš”αš‡αš‘αš…αšαš€αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš€αš‡αšαš‘αšαšˆαšαšœ
"Dovaido son of the Druid." Ballaqueeney, Port St Mary, Rushen CISP RUSHN/1[36]
CIIC 504 αš›αšαš”αšƒαšαš”αš‡αš‘αš…αšαš„αš‹αšαšŠαš”αš‹αš’αš‰αš‘αš”αšœ αš›αš‰αš’αš…αšαšƒαšαš‚αš”αšœ
"Of Bivaidonas, son of the tribe Cunava[li]" Ballaqueeney, Port St Mary, Rushen CISP RUSHN/2[37]
CIIC 506 αš›αšƒαš”αš‰αš’αš‚αšαš€αš‹αšαšŠαš€αš‰αš’αšŒαš”αš…αš”αšœ
Vicula, Cugini Gigha, Argyll CISP GIGHA/1[38]
CIIC 507 αš›αš‰αšαš‘αš…[-]αš…αšœ
Poltaloch, Kilmartin, Argyll CISP POLCH/1[39] Fragment, recognised in 1931
CIIC 1068 αš›αš‚αš’αšŒαš…αš”αšœ
Ballavarkish, Bride CISP BRIDE/1[40] Recognized 1911; crosses and animals, 8th or 9th century

Scholastic inscriptions

The term 'scholastic' derives from the fact that the inscriptions are believed to have been inspired by the manuscript sources, instead of being continuations of the original monument tradition. Scholastic inscriptions typically draw a line into the stone's surface along which the letters are arranged, rather than using the stone's edge. They begin in the course of the 6th century, and continue into Old and Middle Irish, and even into Modern times. From the High Middle Ages, contemporary to the Manuscript tradition, they may contain Forfeda. The 30 or so Pictish inscriptions qualify as early Scholastic, roughly 6th to 9th century. Some Viking Age stones on Man and Shetland are in Old Norse, or at least contain Norse names.


ID Text Translation / Personal names Location Notes
CISP BRATT/1 αš›αš”αšαšαšˆαšαš‡αš‡αš‘αšαšαš“αš…αš„αšœ
Addoaren (Saint Ethernan?) Brandsbutt, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire CISP BRATT/1[41] Pictish(?), dated 6th to 8th century
CISP BREAY/1 αš›αš‰αšαšαš‘αš„αš„αš‰αš‰αšœ : αš›αš…αšαš†αš†αšˆαšƒαšƒαš‡αš‡αšαš‡αš‡αš„αšœ : αš›αš‡αšαšˆαšˆαšαšαšœ : αš›αšαš…αš…[--]αš€αšαš“αš…αš”αš„αš“αš„αš€αš‹αš“αšŠαšŠαš€αš‡αš‡αšαš‘αšαš…αš…[--]᚜
Nahhtvdd[add]s, Benises, Dr[o]ann Bressay, Shetland CISP BREAY/1[42] Norse or Gaelic, contains five forfeda
 ? αš›αšαš“αš…αš‡αš‡αšαš‰αšˆαšαš…αš”αš‹αš‚αšœ
a blessing on the soul of L. Birsay, Orkney Excavated in 1970.[43] See Buckquoy spindle-whorl
 ? αš›αšαšƒαš’αš‘αšαš…αš…αš’αš…αšαš‘αš’αšαšˆαš“αš‡αš‘αšƒαš“αš…αš”αšœ
Avuo Anuano soothsayer of the Doveni Auquhollie, near Stonehaven CISP AUQUH/1[44]
Newton Stone AIDDARCUN FEAN FOBRENNI BA(L or K)S IOSSAR[45]  ? Shevock toll-bar, Aberdeenshire Contains 2(?) lines of Ogham inscriptions and an undeciphered secondary inscription[46]

Isle of Man

  • CISP KMICH/1,[47] an 11th-century combined Runic and Ogam inscription in Kirk Michael churchyard, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man
    α›˜α›…α›šα›¬α›šαš’α›˜αš΄αš’αšΏα›¬αš±α›…α›α›‹α›α›α›¬αš΄αš±αš’α›‹α›¬αš¦α›αšΎα›…α›¬α›αš α›α›αš±α›¬α›˜α›…α›šα›¬α›˜αš’αš±αš’α›¬αš αš’α›‹α›αš±α›…α›¬α›‹α›αšΎα›α›¬α›αš­α›α›αš±α›αš’αš αš΄α›…α›šα›‹α›¬αš΄αš­αšΎα›…α›¬α›α›‹α›¬α›…αš¦α›α›‹α›šα›¬α›…α›α›α›­
    α›’α›α›αš±α›…α›α›‹α›¬α›šα›…α›αš α›…α›¬αš αš’α›‹α›αš±α›…α›¬αš΄αš’αš¦α›…αšΎα›¬αš¦α›…αšΎα›¬α›‹αš­αšΎα›¬α›α›šα›…αšΎα›­
    An ogham abecedarium (the whole ogham alphabet)
    "Mucomael grandson/descendant of O'Maelguc"
    "Mal Lumkun set up this cross in memory of Mal Mury her foster-son, daughter of Dufgal, the wife whom Athisl married,"
    "Better it is to leave a good foster son than a bad son"
    (The runic part is in Norse.)


  • A 19th-century ogham inscription from Ahenny, Co. Tipperary (Raftery 1969)
    Beneath this sepulchral tomb lie the remains of Mary Dempsey who departed this life January the 4th 1802 aged 17 years
    αš›αšƒαšαšαš…αš‚αš”αšŒαš„αš‘αš…αšαš‚αš’αšαšˆαšαš‹αšαšαš”αš…αš”αš‡αš†αš”αš‹αš’αš„αšαšœ αš›αš‘αš‹αšαšαš‚αš‚αš”αš…αšαšŒαš‰αšαšαš…αš”αšαš†αšœ
    fa an lig so na lu ata mari ni dhimusa / o mballi na gcranibh
    "Beneath this stone lieth MΓ‘ri NΓ­ DhΓ­omasaigh from Ballycranna"

Manuscript tradition

  • Latin text written in ogham, in the Annals of Inisfallen of 1193 (ms. Rawlinson B. 503, 40c)
    αš›αš…αš’αš‹αš’αš„αš€αš†αš‘αš…αš‘αšαšαšˆαš’αšαš€αš„αš”αš…αš“αšœ αš›αš…αš’αš‹αš‘αš€αš…αš’αš‚αš‚αš’αš„αš€αšαš‹αšαšˆαš’αšαšœ
    numus honoratur sine / numo nullus amatur
    This is a hexameter line with internal rhyme at the caesura, to be scanned as follows: nūmus honōrātur || sine nūmō nullus amātur.
    "Money is honoured, without money nobody is loved"
  • Fictional inscription: a Middle Irish saga text recorded in the Book of Leinster (LL 66 AB) mentions the following ogham inscription:
    αš›αšŒαš”αššαš€αš“αš€αšˆαš”αš„αš“αš‡αš€αš”αš…αš€αšƒαšαš”αš‡αš‰αš†αš“αšœ αš›αš‡αš˜αšαš€αš‹αšαšαš€αšŒαšαš„αš‰αš“αš‡αšαš‰αš†αšœ
    Gip e tised in faidche, dia m-ba gascedach, geis fair ar thecht dind faidchi cen chomrac n-oenfhir do fhuacra.
    "Whoever comes to this meadow, if he be armed, he is forbidden to leave the meadow, without requesting single combat."


  • Brash, R. R., The Ogam Inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil in the British Isles, London (1879).
  • J. Higgitt, K. Forsyth, D. Parsons (eds.), Roman, Runes and Ogham. Medieval Inscriptions in the Insular World and on the Continent, Donington: Shaun Tyas (2001).
  • Jackson, K.H., Notes on the Ogam inscriptions of southern Britain, in C. Fox, B. Dickins (eds.) The Early Cultures of North-West Europe. Cambridge: 197β€”213 (1950).
  • Macalister, Robert A.S. The Secret Languages of Ireland, pp27 – 36, Cambridge University Press, 1937
  • Macalister, R. A. S., Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum Vol. I., Dublin: Stationery Office (1945).
  • Macalister, R. A. S., Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum' Vol. II., Dublin: Stationery Office (1949).
  • McManus, D, A Guide to Ogam, An Sagart, Maynooth, Co. Kildare (1991)
  • MacNeill, Eoin. Archaisms in the Ogham Inscriptions, 'Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy' 39, pp 33–53, Dublin
  • Ziegler, S., Die Sprache der altirischen Ogam-Inschriften, GΓΆttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (1994).


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  • ↑ Discovered in 1975. Thomas Fanning and Donncha Γ“ CorrΓ‘in, "An Ogham stone and cross-slab from Ratass Church, Tralee", JKAHS 10 (1977), pp. 14–18.
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  • ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  • ↑ J. A. MacCulloch, The Religion of the Ancient Celts
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