List of United States Representatives in the 114th Congress by seniority

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This is a complete list of members of the United States House of Representatives during the 114th United States Congress (January 3, 2015 - January 3, 2017) ordered by seniority.

Standards for seniority

For the most part, representatives are ranked by the beginning of their terms in office. Representatives whose terms begin the same day are ranked alphabetically by last name.

Representatives who return to the House after having previously served in the House are credited with service equal to one less than the number of terms they served. For example, Rep. Steve Chabot had previously served seven terms, from 1995 to 2009, when he was once again elected in 2010. Instead of holding seniority with others whose terms began January 3, 2011, he was credited with six terms, and holds seniority above all representatives whose terms began January 3, 1999, and after. When a representative has served a prior term of fewer than two terms (i.e., prior term minus one equals less than one), he or she is ranked above all others whose service begins on the same day.[citation needed]

Benefits of seniority

Committee chairmanship in the House is often associated with seniority, especially in the Democratic Caucus. The Republican leadership has a stronger hand in choosing chairmen and ranking minority members, and does so based on voting records and campaign fundraising.[1] However, party leadership is not strictly associated with seniority.


No. Committee Established Members
1 Agriculture 1820 45
2 Appropriations 1865 51
5 Armed Services 1947 63
6 Budget 1901 36
7 Education and Workforce 2007 38
8 Energy and Commerce 1795 54
9 Ethics 1798 10
10 Financial Services 1865 59
11 Foreign Affairs 1821 44
12 Homeland Security 2002 30
13 House Administration 1999 9
16 Judiciary 1813 39
17 Natural Resources 1939 43
18 Oversight and Government Reform 1816 43
19 Rules 1789 13
20 Science, Space and Technology 1959 38
21 Small Business 1941 22
22 Transportation and Infrastructure 1947 59
23 Veterans' Affairs 1947 24
24 Ways and Means 1789 39
Joint Committees (House standing committee members only)
Jt 1 Economics Joint 9
Jt 2 Library Joint 1806 4
Jt 3 Printing Joint 4
Jt 4 Taxation Joint 4

Complete seniority list

U.S. House Seniority
Rank Representative Party District Seniority date No.# of Term(s) Committee and leadership positions
1 John Conyers D Michigan 13 January 3, 1965 26th term Dean of the House
Ranking Member: Judiciary
2 Charles B. Rangel D New York 13 January 3, 1971 23rd term  
3 Don Young R Alaska at-large March 6, 1973 22nd term
4 James Sensenbrenner R Wisconsin 5 January 3, 1979 19th term
5 Hal Rogers R Kentucky 5 January 3, 1981 18th term Chair: Appropriations
6 Christopher Smith R New Jersey 4 18th term  
7 Steny Hoyer D Maryland 5 May 19, 1981 18th term Minority Whip
8 Marcy Kaptur D Ohio 9 January 3, 1983 17th term  
9 Sander Levin D Michigan 9 Ranking Member: Ways and Means
10 Joe Barton R Texas 6 January 3, 1985 16th term  
11 Pete Visclosky D Indiana 1
12 Peter DeFazio D Oregon 4 January 3, 1987 15th term Ranking Member: Transportation and Infrastructure
13 John Lewis D Georgia 5  
14 Louise Slaughter D New York 25 Ranking Member: Rules
15 Lamar Smith R Texas 21 Chair: Science, Space and Technology
16 Fred Upton R Michigan 6 Chair: Energy and Commerce
17 Nancy Pelosi D California 12 June 2, 1987 16th term Minority Leader
18 John Duncan R Tennessee 2 November 8, 1988 16th term  
19 Frank Pallone D New Jersey 6 Ranking Member: Energy and Commerce
20 Eliot Engel D New York 16 January 3, 1989 14th term Ranking Member: Foreign Affairs
21 Nita Lowey D New York 17 Ranking Member: Appropriations
22 Jim McDermott D Washington 7  
23 Richard Neal D Massachusetts 1
24 Dana Rohrabacher R California 48
25 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen R Florida 27 August 29, 1989 14th term
26 José Serrano D New York 15 March 20, 1990 14th term
27 David Price D North Carolina 4 January 3, 1997
Previous service, 1987–1995.[2]
14th term*  
28 John Boehner R Ohio 8 January 3, 1991 13th term Speaker of the House
29 Rosa DeLauro D Connecticut 3  
30 Collin Peterson D Minnesota 7 Ranking Member: Agriculture
31 Maxine Waters D California 43 Ranking Member: Financial Services
32 Sam Johnson R Texas 3 May 8, 1991 13th term  
33 Jerrold Nadler D New York 10 November 3, 1992 13th term
34 Jim Cooper D Tennessee 5 January 3, 2003
Previous service, 1983–1995.[2]
13th term*
35 Xavier Becerra D California 34 January 3, 1993 12th term Democratic Caucus Chairman
36 Sanford Bishop D Georgia 2  
37 Corrine Brown D Florida 5 Ranking Member: Veterans' Affairs
38 Ken Calvert R California 42  
39 Jim Clyburn D South Carolina 6 Assistant Minority Leader
40 Anna Eshoo D California 18  
41 Bob Goodlatte R Virginia 6 Chair: Judiciary
42 Gene Green D Texas 29  
43 Luis Gutiérrez D Illinois 4
44 Alcee Hastings D Florida 20
45 Eddie Bernice Johnson D Texas 30 Ranking Member: Science, Space and Technology
46 Peter King R New York 2  
47 Carolyn Maloney D New York 12
48 John Mica R Florida 7
49 Lucille Roybal-Allard D California 40
50 Ed Royce R California 39 Chair: Foreign Affairs
51 Bobby Rush D Illinois 1  
52 Bobby Scott D Virginia 3 Ranking Member: Education and the Workforce
53 Nydia Velázquez D New York 7 Ranking Member: Small Business
54 Bennie Thompson D Mississippi 2 April 13, 1993 12th term Ranking Member: Homeland Security
55 Sam Farr D California 20 June 8, 1993 12th term  
56 Frank Lucas R Oklahoma 3 May 10, 1994 12th term  ??
57 Lloyd Doggett D Texas 35 January 3, 1995 11th term  
58 Mike Doyle D Pennsylvania 14
59 Chaka Fattah D Pennsylvania 2
60 Rodney Frelinghuysen R New Jersey 11
61 Sheila Jackson-Lee D Texas 18
62 Walter B. Jones R North Carolina 3
63 Frank LoBiondo R New Jersey 2
64 Zoe Lofgren D California 19
65 Mac Thornberry R Texas 13 Chair: Armed Services
66 Ed Whitfield R Kentucky 1  
67 Elijah Cummings D Maryland 7 April 16, 1996 11th term Ranking Member: Oversight and Government Reform
68 Earl Blumenauer D Oregon 3 May 21, 1996 11th term  
69 Robert Aderholt R Alabama 4 January 3, 1997 10th term
70 Kevin Brady R Texas 8
71 Danny Davis D Illinois 7
72 Diana DeGette D Colorado 1
73 Kay Granger R Texas 12
74 Rubén Hinojosa D Texas 15
75 Ron Kind D Wisconsin 3
76 Jim McGovern D Massachusetts 2
77 Bill Pascrell D New Jersey 9
78 Joe Pitts R Pennsylvania 16
79 Loretta Sanchez D California 46
80 Pete Sessions R Texas 32 Chair: Rules
81 Brad Sherman D California 30  
82 John Shimkus R Illinois 15
83 Adam Smith D Washington 9 Ranking Member: Armed Services
84 Gregory Meeks D New York 5 February 3, 1998 10th term  
85 Lois Capps D California 24 March 10, 1998
86 Barbara Lee D California 13 April 7, 1998
87 Robert Brady D Pennsylvania 1 May 19, 1998 Ranking Member: House Administration
88 Steve Chabot R Ohio 1 January 3, 2011
Previous service, 1995–2009.[2]
10th term*  
89 Mike Capuano D Massachusetts 7 January 3, 1999 09th term
90 Joe Crowley D New York 14
91 John Larson D Connecticut 1
92 Grace Napolitano D California 32
93 Paul Ryan R Wisconsin 1 Chair: Ways and Means
94 Jan Schakowsky D Illinois 9  
95 Mike Simpson R Idaho 2
96 Mike Thompson D California 5
97 Greg Walden R Oregon 2
98 William Lacy Clay D Missouri 1 January 3, 2001 08th term
99 Ander Crenshaw R Florida 4
100 John Culberson R Texas 7
101 Susan Davis D California 53
102 Sam Graves R Missouri 6 Chair: Small Business
103 Mike Honda D California 15  
104 Steve Israel D New York 3
105 Darrell Issa R California 49
106 James Langevin D Rhode Island 2
107 Rick Larsen D Washington 2
108 Betty McCollum D Minnesota 4
109 Adam Schiff D California 28 Ranking Member: Intelligence
110 Patrick Tiberi R Ohio 12  
111 Bill Shuster R Pennsylvania 9 May 15, 2001 08th term Chair: Transportation and Infrastructure
112 Randy Forbes R Virginia 4 June 19, 2001 08th term  
113 Stephen Lynch D Massachusetts 8 October 16, 2001 08th term
114 Jeff Miller R Florida 1 Chair: Veterans' Affairs
115 Joe Wilson R South Carolina 2 December 18, 2001 08th term  
116 Rob Bishop R Utah 1 January 3, 2003 07th term Chair: Natural Resources
117 Marsha Blackburn R Tennessee 7  
118 Michael Burgess R Texas 26
119 John Carter R Texas 31
120 Tom Cole R Oklahoma 4
121 Mario Diaz-Balart R Florida 25
122 Trent Franks R Arizona 8
123 Scott Garrett R New Jersey 5
124 Raúl Grijalva D Arizona 3 Ranking Member: Natural Resources
125 Jeb Hensarling R Texas 5 Chair: Financial Services
126 Steve King R Iowa 4  
127 John Kline R Minnesota 2 Chair: Education and the Workforce
128 Candice Miller R Michigan 10 Chair: House Administration
129 Tim Murphy R Pennsylvania 18  
130 Devin Nunes R California 22 Chair: Intelligence
131 Mike D. Rogers R Alabama 3  
132 Dutch Ruppersberger D Maryland 2
133 Tim Ryan D Ohio 13
134 Linda Sánchez D California 38 Ranking Member: Ethics
135 David Scott D Georgia 13  
136 Michael Turner R Ohio 10
137 Chris Van Hollen D Maryland 8 Ranking Member: Budget
138 Randy Neugebauer R Texas 19 June 3, 2003 07th term  
139 G. K. Butterfield D North Carolina 1 July 20, 2004 07th term
140 Charles Boustany R Louisiana 3 January 3, 2005 06th term
141 Emanuel Cleaver D Missouri 5
142 Mike Conaway R Texas 11 Chair: Agriculture
143 Jim Costa D California 16  
144 Henry Cuellar D Texas 28
145 Charlie Dent R Pennsylvania 15 Chair: Ethics
146 Jeff Fortenberry R Nebraska 1  
147 Virginia Foxx R North Carolina 5
148 Louie Gohmert R Texas 1
149 Al Green D Texas 9
150 Brian Higgins D New York 26
151 Dan Lipinski D Illinois 3
152 Kenny Marchant R Texas 24
153 Michael McCaul R Texas 10 Chair: Homeland Security
154 Patrick McHenry R North Carolina 10  
155 Cathy McMorris Rodgers R Washington 5 Republican Conference Chairwoman
156 Gwen Moore D Wisconsin 4  
157 Ted Poe R Texas 2
158 Tom Price R Georgia 6 Chair: Budget
159 Dave Reichert R Washington 8  
160 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D Florida 23
161 Lynn Westmoreland R Georgia 3
162 Doris Matsui D California 6 March 8, 2005 06th term
163 Albio Sires D New Jersey 8 November 7, 2006 06th term
164 Steve Pearce R New Mexico 2 January 3, 2011
Previous service, 2003–2009.[2]
06th term*  
165 Gus Bilirakis R Florida 12 January 3, 2007 05th term
166 Vern Buchanan R Florida 16
167 Kathy Castor D Florida 14
168 Yvette D. Clarke D New York 9
169 Steve Cohen D Tennessee 9
170 Joe Courtney D Connecticut 2
171 Keith Ellison D Minnesota 5
172 Hank Johnson D Georgia 4
173 Jim Jordan R Ohio 4
174 Doug Lamborn R Colorado 5
175 Dave Loebsack D Iowa 2
176 Kevin McCarthy R California 23 Majority Leader
177 Jerry McNerney D California 9  
178 Ed Perlmutter D Colorado 7
179 Peter Roskam R Illinois 6
180 John Sarbanes D Maryland 3
181 Adrian Smith R Nebraska 3
182 Tim Walz D Minnesota 1
183 Peter Welch D Vermont at-large
184 John Yarmuth D Kentucky 3
185 Niki Tsongas D Massachusetts 3 October 16, 2007 05th term
186 Bob Latta R Ohio 5 December 11, 2007 05th term
187 Rob Wittman R Virginia 1
188 André Carson D Indiana 7 March 11, 2008 05th term
189 Jackie Speier D California 14 April 8, 2008 05th term
190 Steve Scalise R Louisiana 1 May 3, 2008 05th term Majority Whip
191 Donna Edwards D Maryland 4 June 17, 2008 05th term  
192 Marcia Fudge D Ohio 11 November 18, 2008 05th term
193 Rick Nolan D Minnesota 8 January 3, 2013
Previous service, 1975–1981.[2]
05th term*
194 Matt Salmon R Arizona 5 January 3, 2013
Previous service, 1995–2001.[2]
05th term*
195 Mark Sanford R South Carolina 1 May 7, 2013
Previous service, 1995–2001.[2]
05th term*
196 Jason Chaffetz R Utah 3 January 3, 2009 04th term Chair: Oversight and Government Reform
197 Mike Coffman R Colorado 6  
198 Gerry Connolly D Virginia 11
199 John C. Fleming R Louisiana 4
200 Brett Guthrie R Kentucky 2
201 Gregg Harper R Mississippi 3
202 Jim Himes D Connecticut 4
203 Duncan D. Hunter R California 50
204 Lynn Jenkins R Kansas 2
205 Leonard Lance R New Jersey 7
206 Blaine Luetkemeyer R Missouri 3
207 Ben R. Luján D New Mexico 3
208 Cynthia Lummis R Wyoming at-large
209 Tom McClintock R California 4
210 Pete Olson R Texas 22
211 Erik Paulsen R Minnesota 3
212 Chellie Pingree D Maine 1
213 Jared Polis D Colorado 2
214 Bill Posey R Florida 8
215 Phil Roe R Tennessee 1
216 Tom Rooney R Florida 17
217 Aaron Schock R Illinois 18
218 Kurt Schrader D Oregon 5
219 Glenn Thompson R Pennsylvania 5
220 Paul Tonko D New York 20
221 Michael Quigley D Illinois 5 April 7, 2009 04th term
222 Judy Chu D California 27 July 14, 2009
223 John Garamendi D California 3 November 3, 2009
224 Ted Deutch D Florida 21 April 13, 2010
225 Tom Graves R Georgia 14 June 8, 2010
226 Tom Reed R New York 23 November 2, 2010
227 Marlin Stutzman R Indiana 3
228 Mike Fitzpatrick R Pennsylvania 8 January 3, 2011
Previous service, 2005–2007.[2]
04th term*
229 Tim Walberg R Michigan 7 January 3, 2011
Previous service, 2007–2009.[2]
04th term*
230 Bill Foster D Illinois 11 January 3, 2013
Previous service, 2008–2011.[2]
04th term*
231 Justin Amash R Michigan 3 January 3, 2011 03rd term
232 Lou Barletta R Pennsylvania 11
233 Karen Bass D California 37
234 Dan Benishek R Michigan 1
235 Diane Black R Tennessee 6
236 Mo Brooks R Alabama 5
237 Larry Bucshon R Indiana 8
238 John Carney D Delaware at-large
239 David Cicilline D Rhode Island 1
240 Rick Crawford R Arkansas 1
241 Jeff Denham R California 10
242 Scott DesJarlais R Tennessee 4
243 Sean Duffy R Wisconsin 7
244 Jeff Duncan R South Carolina 3
245 Renee Ellmers R North Carolina 2
246 Blake Farenthold R Texas 27
247 Stephen Fincher R Tennessee 8
248 Chuck Fleischmann R Tennessee 3
249 Bill Flores R Texas 17
250 Bob Gibbs R Ohio 7
251 Chris Gibson R New York 19
252 Paul Gosar R Arizona 4
253 Trey Gowdy R South Carolina 4
254 Morgan Griffith R Virginia 9
255 Michael Grimm R New York 11
256 Richard Hanna R New York 22
257 Andy Harris R Maryland 1
258 Vicky Hartzler R Missouri 4
259 Joe Heck R Nevada 3
260 Jaime Herrera Beutler R Washington 3
261 Tim Huelskamp R Kansas 1
262 Bill Huizenga R Michigan 2
263 Randy Hultgren R Illinois 14
264 Robert Hurt R Virginia 5
265 Bill Johnson R Ohio 6
266 Bill Keating D Massachusetts 9
267 Mike Kelly R Pennsylvania 3
268 Adam Kinzinger R Illinois 16
269 Raúl Labrador R Idaho 1
270 Billy Long R Missouri 7
271 Tom Marino R Pennsylvania 10
272 David McKinley R West Virginia 1
273 Pat Meehan R Pennsylvania 7
274 Mick Mulvaney R South Carolina 5
275 Kristi Noem R South Dakota at-large
276 Rich Nugent R Florida 11
277 Alan Nunnelee R Mississippi 1
278 Steven Palazzo R Mississippi 4
279 Mike Pompeo R Kansas 4
280 Jim Renacci R Ohio 16
281 Reid Ribble R Wisconsin 8
282 Cedric Richmond D Louisiana 2
283 Scott Rigell R Virginia 2
284 Martha Roby R Alabama 2
285 Todd Rokita R Indiana 4
286 Dennis Ross R Florida 15
287 David Schweikert R Arizona 6
288 Austin Scott R Georgia 8
289 Terri Sewell D Alabama 7
290 Steve Stivers R Ohio 15
291 Scott Tipton R Colorado 3
292 Daniel Webster R Florida 10
293 Frederica Wilson D Florida 24
294 Steve Womack R Arkansas 3
295 Rob Woodall R Georgia 7
296 Kevin Yoder R Kansas 3
297 Todd Young R Indiana 9
298 Janice Hahn D California 44 July 12, 2011 03rd term
299 Mark Amodei R Nevada 2 September 13, 2011 03rd term
300 Suzanne Bonamici D Oregon 1 January 31, 2012 03rd term
301 Suzan DelBene D Washington 1 November 6, 2012 03rd term
302 Thomas Massie R Kentucky 4
303 Donald Payne, Jr. D New Jersey 10
304 Alan Grayson D Florida 9 January 3, 2013
Previous service, 2009–2011.[2]
03rd term*
305 Ann Kirkpatrick D Arizona 1 January 3, 2013 03rd term*
306 Dina Titus D Nevada 1
307 Andy Barr R Kentucky 6
308 Joyce Beatty D Ohio 3
309 Ami Bera D California 7
310 Jim Bridenstine R Oklahoma 1
311 Susan Brooks R Indiana 5
312 Julia Brownley D California 26
313 Cheri Bustos D Illinois 17
314 Tony Cardenas D California 29
315 Matt Cartwright D Pennsylvania 17
316 Joaquin Castro D Texas 20
317 Chris Collins R New York 27
318 Doug Collins R Georgia 9
319 Paul Cook R California 8
320 Kevin Cramer R North Dakota at-large
321 Rodney Davis R Illinois 13
322 John Delaney D Maryland 6
323 Ron DeSantis R Florida 6
324 Tammy Duckworth D Illinois 8
325 Elizabeth Esty D Connecticut 5
326 Lois Frankel D Florida 22
327 Tulsi Gabbard D Hawaii 2
328 Dennis Heck D Washington 10
329 George Holding R North Carolina 13
330 Richard Hudson R North Carolina 8
331 Jared Huffman D California 2
332 Hakeem Jeffries D New York 8
333 David Joyce R Ohio 14
334 Joseph Kennedy III D Massachusetts 4
335 Dan Kildee D Michigan 5
336 Derek Kilmer D Washington 6
337 Ann McLane Kuster D New Hampshire 2
338 Doug LaMalfa R California 1
339 Alan Lowenthal D California 47
340 Michelle Lujan Grisham D New Mexico 1
341 Sean Patrick Maloney D New York 18
342 Mark Meadows R North Carolina 11
343 Grace Meng D New York 6
344 Luke Messer R Indiana 6
345 Markwayne Mullin R Oklahoma 2
346 Patrick Murphy D Florida 18
347 Beto O'Rourke D Texas 16
348 Scott Perry R Pennsylvania 4
349 Scott Peters D California 52
350 Robert Pittenger R North Carolina 9
351 Mark Pocan D Wisconsin 2
352 Tom Rice R South Carolina 7
353 Keith Rothfus R Pennsylvania 12
354 Raul Ruiz D California 36
355 Kyrsten Sinema D Arizona 9
356 Chris Stewart R Utah 2
357 Eric Swalwell D California 15
358 Mark Takano D California 41
359 David Valadao R California 21
360 Juan Vargas D California 51
361 Marc Veasey D Texas 33
362 Filemon Vela D Texas 34
363 Ann Wagner R Missouri 2
364 Jackie Walorski R Indiana 2
365 Randy Weber R Texas 14
366 Brad Wenstrup R Ohio 2
367 Roger Williams R Texas 25
368 Ted Yoho R Florida 3
369 Robin Kelly D Illinois 2 April 9, 2013 02nd term
370 Jason Smith R Missouri 8 June 4, 2013 02nd term
371 Katherine Clark D Massachusetts 5 December 10, 2013 02nd term
372 Bradley Byrne R Alabama 1 December 17, 2013 02nd term
373 David Jolly R Florida 13 March 11, 2014 02nd term
374 Curt Clawson R Florida 19 June 24, 2014 02nd term
375 Alma Adams D North Carolina 12 November 4, 2014 02nd term
376 Dave Brat R Virginia 7
377 Donald Norcross D New Jersey 1
378 Robert Dold R Illinois 10 January 3, 2015
Previous service, 2011–2013.[2]
02nd term*
379 Frank Guinta R New Hampshire 1
380 Ralph Abraham R Louisiana 5 January 3, 2015 01st term
381 Pete Aguilar D California 31
382 Rick W. Allen R Georgia 12
383 Brad Ashford D Nebraska 2
384 Brian Babin R Texas 36
385 Don Beyer D Virginia 8
386 Mike Bishop R Michigan 8
387 Rod Blum R Iowa 1
388 Mike Bost R Illinois 12
389 Brendan F. Boyle D Pennsylvania 13
390 Ken Buck R Colorado 4
391 Buddy Carter R Georgia 1
392 Barbara Comstock R Virginia 10
393 Ryan Costello R Pennsylvania 6
394 Carlos Curbelo R Florida 26
395 Mark DeSaulnier D California 11
396 Debbie Dingell D Michigan 12
397 Tom Emmer R Minnesota 6
398 Ruben Gallego D Arizona 7
399 Gwen Graham D Florida 2
400 Garret Graves R Louisiana 6
401 Glenn Grothman R Wisconsin 6
402 Cresent Hardy R Nevada 4
403 Jody Hice R Georgia 10
404 French Hill R Arkansas 2
405 Will Hurd R Texas 23
406 Evan Jenkins R West Virginia 3
407 John Katko R New York 24
408 Steve Knight R California 25
409 Brenda Lawrence D Michigan 14
410 Ted Lieu D California 33
411 Barry Loudermilk R Georgia 11
412 Mia Love R Utah 4
413 Tom MacArthur R New Jersey 3
414 Martha McSally R Arizona 2
415 John Moolenaar R Michigan 4
416 Alex Mooney R West Virginia 2
417 Seth Moulton D Massachusetts 6
418 Dan Newhouse R Washington 4
419 Gary Palmer R Alabama 6
420 Bruce Poliquin R Maine 2
421 John Ratcliffe R Texas 4
422 Kathleen Rice D New York 4
423 David Rouzer R North Carolina 7
424 Steve Russell R Oklahoma 5
425 Elise Stefanik R New York 21
426 Mark Takai D Hawaii 1
427 Norma Torres D California 35
428 David Trott R Michigan 11
429 Mark Walker R North Carolina 6
430 Mimi Walters R California 45
431 Bonnie Watson Coleman D New Jersey 12
432 Bruce Westerman R Arkansas 4
433 David Young R Iowa 3
434 Lee Zeldin R New York 1
435 Ryan Zinke R Montana at-large
  Dan Donovan R New York 11 May 5, 2015 01st term
  Trent Kelly R Mississippi 1 June 2, 2015 01st term
  Darin LaHood R Illinois 18 September 10, 2015 01st term


Rank Delegate Party District Seniority date No.# of Term(s) Notes
1 Eleanor Holmes Norton D DC January 3, 1991 13th term  
2 Madeleine Bordallo D GU January 3, 2003 07th term
3 Pedro Pierluisi NPP/D PR January 3, 2009 04th term
4 Gregorio Sablan D NMI
5 Stacey Plaskett D VI January 3, 2015 01st term
6 Amata Coleman Radewagen R AS

See also


  1. House Seniority and Committee Leadership
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Members elected with substantial prior service receive credit for part of that service when calculating seniority.

External links